Thursday, July 26, 2007

Now THAT was FUN!

It rained long and hard here tonight..and guess what I did with the roomies? I played in the rain. We put on our swim suits and ran out. It was soo much fun and it brought back memories. Ohh to be 8 years old and naked in the rain again!
Gosh I can't believe how happy I am! God please send more raaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnn.


Aijay said...

I also did that when I was growing up. Those were the days!

Anonymous said...

lol soul would just love to do something like that... sounds like fun times. i remember doing that in naija.. fully clothed and shivering hours later... lol

Thirty + said...

You did not...meehn the other week I thougt what it would be like to stand and play rain rain and was tempted to stand and just enjoy it...but there was no friend around to do it with and I was scared those folks might call the the mam in white dress to wheel me away if I do it on my own