Tuesday, December 12, 2006


No...I did not forget about my blog..I'm dealing with finals..my last week at my internship, training someone to take over, documentation, huge paper due..and all that jazz!
BUT..I am looking forward to being in Naija next week. I will post later this week but until then..stay blessed and hope you're having an awesome week!

I leave you with this quote that I am totally trying to live by...you've probably seen it before...but here is it anyhow.

“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” Pericles



The Life of a Stranger called me said...
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The Life of a Stranger called me said...

aah dont worry you'll soon be done - I wont lie - Im secretly jealous of your trip to nija - well deserved Im sure. Keep us posted. until then stay blessed.

temmy tayo said...

Have fun in Naija.

SapphireAster said...

LOASCM...thank you jare...its almost over..You shouldnt be jealous o...arent you going to be in Naija in January? Its just a matter of time..You know I will keep you guys posted!

Thanks temmy..It is my responsibility to have FUN to the fullest in Naija...starting with the pounded I will eat when I get home at midnight...hehe...

Biodun said...

All u people going 2 naija, take me pleaseeeeeeeee, lol
Goodluck with the finals!

Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...

Merry Christmas my dear SAFAYAH. Hope u're catching ur trips in Naija? Please update ur blog nau.

Vera Ezimora said...

Well, SA, I guess I'll just wait for you to come back. But come oh, Xmas is over now! Shouldn't ur exams be over by now? Abi you're tryna 419 us?

Vera Ezimora said...

Sapphireaster, update now!

SapphireAster said...

Hey everyone..thanks for your comments. sorry I have been MIA ...you know how it is now...Thanks for understanding