Friday, December 1, 2006

I Used to Look Up To You....

I always looked up to you and I knew I wanted to be just like you. Too bad I was a girl but I wanted to be just like you in every other way. I remember how I used to follow you around. Everyone called me "Little-you" I did everything with you... I wanted to be the little brother you never had.

I climbed trees with you . You taught me how to climb the roof from the guava tree. That was always a fun place to hide. I got stung my bees but the pain was worth it. You taught me how to play chess and scrabble. We used to play 'whats up' all the time. I 'fixed' the tv with you. I played table soccer with you

I remember us watching Altanta 96 together , we stayed up late just the two of us. You were so tense I thought you would faint or pass out on me. You turnd the volume of the tv down and listened to the commentator on the radio instead.I started to do that too! I remember us celebrating when Kanu scored those 2 goals against Brazil. It was B-A-N-A-N-A-S! You were funny... You always got along with people well... you still do.People love you

Things kind of started to change but I mad excuses for you. Maybe you were too busy with school...maybe the phone lines got messed up...I guess you were too busy to respond to my emails too. I remember when you came home in Dec 2001..You dont even know how happy I was to see you. But then you seemed distant....You werent particularly nice to me, your fav lil sis!

You brought up something you always did while we were growing up. In the end, like you always did all those years ago,You indirectly indicated that I was the ugly duckling. I know it seems so trivial but it hurt like hell and even worse,
I ACCEPTED that I was the ugly duckling. For years, I believed it. So much for my self esteem.I always knew I was smart.So I tried to make up for not being beautiful
It always acknowledged my brains!

While you were home.
I was smiling a lot
And then you told me
"Dont smile you have bad teeth"
And for the 4 years that followed
I hardly smiled
Not in pictures, not at people
I smiled with my mouth closed

I remember when Sade and I came to the US in 2002
We were excited
You were going to meet us in New York
We arrived waiting a big hug from big bro
But you werent there

It was our first time anywhere without mom or dad
And you werent there
You told them you would meet us here
But you werent there
We sat there at JFK for 9 long hours...
Hungry, and tired!

Years have passed
And yes, I smile
And I know I am beeeeuuuriifulll
But things still arent right

You only really call when you need something or on holidays (you called the day before thanksgiving)You claim to be busy, I am busy too but thats not an excuse
In the almost 5 years that Sade and I have been here, you never invited us to visit you...and you've never visited either of us. For the past 6 months you have been only 5 hours away from me. Still, we havent met up once.

Brother of mine, Whats going on?

*I was talking about this with my sisters recently and thats what motivated me to write this. One my sisters talked to my brother about this and I guess the 'healing' is about to begin...It is well.*


NaijaBloke said...

Wow!!! this is deep ... I pray u can work it out with ur brother..

U have a lovely weekend

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

This is so sad - You and your brother must have been very close. dont worry brothers are always mean - my brothers call my tighs earthquake tremers and do a charikature of me walking and the ground opening - it wasn't becasue I was fat or anything but because I look athletic - they've even said worse -

Saph hun - even though he poked fun he didnt mean it. Do you remember the story of the prodigal son - He came home didnt he - Your brother will come home - Cause your mum's son will be taught by God - and he will come back from wherever he is [Isa 49 vs 19; Isa 54 vs 13]- and you can see that God has already started answering your family's prayer.

Take heart loveliness - it is well.

Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...

Girl, i never would've thot. U've a lot of things going on in that little heart of urs. But reach out to him, even if he doesn't call or anything, show that u do care for him. For all u care, he may be going thru some things u never would've thot. Take care dear. I was really moved by this ya post o.

Anonymous said...

Sapphire, you are beautifully and wonderfully made. Siblings say the meanest of things, even worst than friends. My siblings and I are perfect samples.
It is well and as you said... the healing is about to begin.

Uzo said...

It will be well my dear

Naijadude said...

I pray and hope you set things right with your brother. Our sibilings can sometimes be our worst critic and best friend alike. We just have to be strong no matter what, like "aurasoul" said, You are wonderfully and marveously made". You are the one that will set things right since you know the facts, you made the story, have a dialogue with the brother and see the change!
I will recommend you read this book : "Crucial Conversations Tools for talking when the stakes are high"

It might serve a great deal of help.
Goodluck with life and Merry Xmas

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

ohh saph I was going to ask how your sista was doing with broda?

SapphireAster said...

@ Everyone...thaks for yor kind comments
Bloke..Ipray we work it out too
LOASCM..hahaha...seems like brothers are jst mean like that. LMAO I cant believe yor bro did that! Thanka jare.. maybe Bro and I will be good buddies again

Bijou...shey u want to start to pull a Dr. Phil on me? Pick up your phon jare..I've been callig you

Aurasoul, Uzo, ONB..thanks you jare...ya'll already made me feellike we can work this out

NaijaDude..Thanks man! I will def check that book out.

SapphireAster said...

@LOASCM...My sis and Broda are fine o...going strong hehe. Well this xmas trip will tell how things will go sha. I want the best for hr and I pray God helps thm make th best decision. The deal now is...if things are good..then ther will be a mini introduction and a 2008 wedding..YES O..My sisters are leaving me! Thanks for asking!

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

@saph - aaah that is so nice - the wedding bit not the leaving you bit - they have to leave one day. You too will soon. Its just part of life. Stay blessed.

Biodun said...

I pray you n ur brother r able to work out your differences n become close.

Jennifer A. said...

awwww...I pray everything works out at the end. There's nothing impossible under the sun, not as far as you guys are still alive. The healing has begun and won't be over until it's keep smiling and don't worry.

SapphireAster said...

thanks Jaycee....Your pic looks familiar...did you go to MET?

DiAmOnD hawk said...

i soooooooo KNOW when you're coming with my bro is like that...i mean for 10 years i didnt see my brother even after offering to pay for a ticket...but I know God is working it out for he is for me...