I don't know how many of you have stumbled upon the time capsule thing that yahoo is putting together. If you already know...Please act surprised and don't make me feel bad. THANK YOU! I think this is a excellent idea and future generations will be thankful for it.
So what is this thing SA is so excited about? Its an electronic anthropology project put together by yahoo to teach future generations what the world was like in 2006. Its great that people are communicable with ways of preserving history but the fabulous thing about it is that anyone from all over the world can participate. What are you going to do about it?
This is an excerpt from Jonathan Harris, The Time Capsule Artist:
The aesthetic of the Time Capsule is that of a ball of thread, spinning like a globe, its shifting surface entirely composed of words and pictures submitted by people around the world. The thread ball concept relates to threads of memory and threads of time, where threads are taken to be any continuous and self-consistent narrative strand. When the Time Capsule opens, it displays the 100 most recent contributions, which form the spinning globe. The ten themes orbit the globe in a pinwheel pattern. At any moment, any individual tile can be clicked, causing the globe to fall away and the selected tile to expand, revealing detailed information about the tile and the person who created it. Using a search interface, viewers can specify the population they wish to see, exploring such demographics as Âmen in their20ss from New York CityÂ, and ÂIraqi women who submitted drawings in response to the question: What do you love?Â. There are an infinite number of ways to slice the data, and each resulting slice then becomes its own thread, which can be browsed independently, tile by tile, like a filmstrip.The contribution process is designed to be simple and universal, using minimal gestures to create words and drawings, and to upload files. Though translated into ten languages, there are very few textual instructions anywhere in the piece, so the experience is necessarily one of exploration and discovery. A clock counts down constantly in the bottom left corner, approaching the moment the Time Capsule wclose.The presiding message of the Time Capsule is: ÂOne World. Many Voices. The piece attempts simultaneously to express the differences between individuals, and to illustrate the shared ground between people of all ages, races, backgrounds and cultures.- Jonathan HarrisNew York City, September 27, 2006
Here's the Link..I Hope..hope it works
the time capsule thing is pretty cool. I havent checked out the one by yahoo yet but i will but I dont think i'll participate...
In college, while i was a sophomore, the senior classmen had done something similar in their freshman year and they dug it up during their senior week...pretty cool
Do you remeber back when you were in primary school when everyone in class puts things in a case and bury it (I do)- for people in the future to open - even back then we had our own time capsule - that made us feel pretty special back then.
Memories............and years later some had perished LOL - casue som e had put like cakes and bsicuits and sillyness like that. LOLOL.
But i need to go visit this yahoo thing and read.
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