Thursday, September 7, 2006

Crazy Days

I am dey try kill me but I have adopted this "no one can bring me down' attitude. Please o. Its month! Shoootttt. I'm not moving na hia I tanda. Its my birthday on Wednesday the 13th and yes I am excited cos its my day! INfact lemme talk true...I feel like I own the month. By the way Boo and I are born on the same day but in the different months. Awww....yeah whatever.

Nothing much has been going on with me o...except for the fact that I got sick..yes o.I am getting over a cold. na so so sneeze sneeze...enough kleenex in the trashcan at home and at work. O..and the mean woman at work who my officemate calls the 5-letter B word..(yeah that one) has decided that she likes so she is being nice to me. I fear this niceness o.

Ok this woman seems to be one of this old single women that never got married and is content to be mean and drown herself in her work. She started at my company as a full time staff 3 weeks after I got there...her fashion sense is an apology..and she is one of those that feel the need to ask questions to appear smart or something. I think she is just sucking up to our manager jare.

Its so happened that my work and the lady's work is kinda similar so we collaborate sometimes (unfortunately). While the guy that trained us was here...madam would complain about everything. See me see trouble our finance department organized a 'summer blast' event for everyone one. There's over 100 people total.We were all going to go bowling for the lazy self mehnn my happiness no get part II. Getting the afternoon go pizza..wings..all that good stuff...FOR FREE..while getting paid.Haba!! too good. Everyone should be excited right? Noooo.. Madam could no just see why a bunch of people would leave work to go bowling. She refused to RSVP but in the end she was forced to go. Of course she complained that she would prefer to work..m like woteva...pass me a slice of pizza pleaaasee! Beyond that she even mentioned that she did understand why her brother would drive his own wife to work.

I dont know she was sharing this information with me and the poor guy from NY. I dont want to know, but now that you've mentioned it, I think its sweet that your brother drives his wife to work. Thats how its supposed to be! Do you know she said if it were her, she would make the woman ride the bus. Later she starts going on about her cats and how she has to feed them. In my head I'm like blah blah blah.....ok lets continue this story tomorrow! haha

On another note o..See me see trouble...women and their issues! Ok so this past weekend, na so I dey tanda o. This girl happened to walk by and I was like o I'm waiting for my boyfriend. By the way, I met Em through her boyfriend o. This is how our convo went.

SW: I am waiting for my bobo
Hater: Who is your bobo?
SW: Em.
Hater: STILL?

Mehn if to say she be Naija na slap go land for her mouth. SHio! She be half Tunisian half American and her bobo na this nice African American guy that I used to work with o. Mehn I was gonna ask her "Are you still with you own bobo?"
What did she mean by that? I told Boo o and I will tell her Bobo self when I see him. This girl is the most paranoid freak I have ever seen. She seems to think everyone is after her man. I leave her in her paranoia but when she comes ans starts asking me stupid questions like that...SW gets MAD very MAd.
Anyways...Her case is in the cooler!

Nothing much has been going on with me o...just stuff. How have you been?


Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...

Didn't u see that i called u? Yeye gal, not ur fault. I don't know why i think i know Miss Hater's bf. Does his name start with a C? Anyways, glad to know u're feeling better. Expect my call tomorrow. Your okin biscuit, (which do u prefer, Square or round?), butter mint and Malta are in the mail as we speak. Wishing you many more happy years, and may God perfect all that concerns you, now and forever-Amen. Em has to take u out for a romantic candlelight dinner to celebrate or whaddaya think?

SapphireAster said...

Thank u o jare my dia! I ve been meaning to return your call...yes o he is Mr. C. Xoxo...u too much! As per the romantic comes Em, lets ask!

Anonymous said...

hmmm...this blog wasnt here far with the date...anyways

HAPPY BIRTHDAY...i would send something with diamonds...but I dont know your address...maybe next time :-)

enjoy your day

SapphireAster said...

Thanks DH..
as per the date, I think it displays the date that I started to type this post....

NaijaBloke said...

Happy Birthday Missues ...Which date u get for ur blog cos this blog was not here yesterday.

DiAmOnD hawk said...

u can change the date of your the bottom of where you type your blog you'll see "post and comment options" with an on that

SapphireAster said...

thanks for the bday wishes everyone. I had a wonderful day! Thanks DH for the tip on the dates

Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...

Did ur girls have a surprise party for u over the weekend?

SapphireAster said...

how did you know!

Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...

Am sure by now, u must be thinking that i'm a serious stalker, for u to even call me up immediately. Like seriously, u think i've an informant over there telling me all the stuff i know. I'm a thinker u know, and i always put 2 'n 2 together to make 4. Hope the party went well, and hope 'twas truly a surprise 'cos u know we Naija peeps don't know about surprises. You're so open and plain, i really can read u like a book. That's a good thing in a way. I'm sure i'm not the only one that can read u.

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

Happy belated birthday, but i was sure I've been checking this blog and there were no updates. Anyways nice to know that you took what what's her name said as falling on deaf ears.